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DYT is currently accepting video audition submissions for the 2021-22 season. Read and complete the following to successfully submit your audition material. The submission deadline is December 3rd 2022.





Important Information


Rehearsal Schedule

DYT shows demand a high level of commitment.  It is very important to be available for rehearsals so please familiarize yourself with the rehearsal schedule. 


Payment and Registration

There is a fee associated with being a DYT company member.  Please click this link for more details on payment and registration.





Show Selection

DTY produces two shows every season. You have the option of auditioning for one or the other or both. You will be required to submit specific material for the show(s) you choose. 






1. Monologue

         Prepare and video a one minute monologue of your choice. (introduce yourself)

2.  Sing an excerpt from our MATILDA selections 

         Choose a song from our website:  audition material

         Video yourself performing the song with the acc track playing in the background

3.   Dance/ Movement piece (optional  but recommended)

         Choose one of the two routines:  audition material

         Video yourself performing the movement piece with the acc track in the background

4.  Headshot/photo   (digital PDF)

5.  Performance resume   (digital PDF)


What will I need to prepare and submit?





Create a Google Drive

You now have videos of you singing, dancing/moving, your headshot, and your resume.  The hard part is done! You will now need to create a Google Drive to load all your fabulous material.  Here are a couple of links if you need some help.       Example 1    Example 2





Load your Material 

1. Create a folder in your "My Google Drive " account.

2. Label the folder as follows :  (First & Last Name) 20-21 DYT Audition. 

3. Load All of your audition material into the  folder.

4. Right Click, then choose ( Get a shareable link)  or copy the link. You are going to paste this link later.





Fill out the DYT online audition form

1. Click this link to fill out the online audition form.

2. You are required to paste your google drive link to your materials in step 12.

3. Click Submit and you're done!  

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